Free Sexual Assault and Rape Prevention Education Programs in Washington County
We provide free community/parent education and student prevention education programs in Washington County.
Community/Parent Education
Parent or community information sessions are available to discuss issues concerning Child Sexual Abuse. Topics covered can include: facts and statistics, the perpetrator, identifying symptoms of abuse, how to react to a disclosure, how to report abuse, and how to talk to your children about child sexual abuse and prevention.
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention (K-6th grade)
Child sexual abuse prevention (K-6) has been mandated by the New York State Education Department since 1985. Our educational services are comprehensive, free and teach children rules to keep them safe. The elementary program consists of a two-part puppet based curriculum for grades Pre-K through 2, and a two-part lecture/activity based curriculum for grades 3 through 6.
Studies estimate that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused prior to age 18. Unfortunately, the common myth that children are abused only once and by a complete stranger is false. In truth, 93% of sexually abused children are abused by a relative or someone the family knows. The benefits of engaging students in an age appropriate, positive, non-threatening discussion of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse can far outweigh the drawbacks. Once students learn what they can do to stay safe, they can take steps to protect themselves if such abuse should happen to them.
This program helps students to understand:
- They are in charge of their body, that their body belongs only to them.
- No one should hurt them, make them feel bad about themselves, or touch their private parts.
- What personal safety rules are.
- The abuse is never their fault or that they did anything to deserve the abuse.
- There is a difference between good secrets and bad secrets, and why bad secrets must be told.
- Telling someone about abuse if it is happening to them.
- If the first person who is told about the abuse doesn’t believe them, they should keep telling until they find someone who can help.
- Telling is only sure way to make the abuse stop.
Sexual Harassment Prevention (7th-12th grade)
Sexual harassment is experienced by 85% of girls and 76% of boys during their school years (AAUW survey, “Hostile Hallways”). This ranges from inappropriate joking, sexist remarks, comments on a person’s body, sexuality or appearance, to unwanted touching and assault. Victims of sexual harassment experience a loss of self-esteem, may find it difficult to concentrate in school or to study experience dread or even avoid going to school, lunch, or extra-curricular activities.
The program helps students:
- Learn to recognize sexual harassment
- Learn the difference between flirting and sexual harassment
- Safe bystander interventions
- Cultivate empathy for how the victim feels
- Explore the various legal aspects
- Review their schools sexual harassment policy
- Know what to do if they are a victim of sexual harassment.
Dating Violence (9th-12th grade)
Abuse in adolescent dating relationships is defined as a patterns of repeated actual or threatened acts that physically, sexually or verbally abuse a member of an unmarried heterosexual or homosexual couple in which one or both partners is between thirteen and twenty years old. Sadly, research indicates that as many as a third of high school and college-age youth experience violence in a dating relationship.
The program helps students:
- Gain an understanding of the different types of abuse
- Explore myths and facts about dating relationships
- Know their dating rights
- Think through the elements of a healthy relationship, such as, respect and communication
- Form a safety plan
- Discover what to do if they are in an abusive relationship.
Enough is Enough
“Enough is Enough” is a program aimed at preventing sexual assault on college and university campuses statewide. The program requires all colleges to adopt a set of comprehensive procedures and guidelines, including a uniform definition of affirmative consent, a statewide amnesty policy, and expanded access to law enforcement to ensure the safety of all students attending colleges in New York State.
AHI offers a number of services and resources pertaining to the Enough is Enough program, including:
- Training and education to faculty, administration and students on the implementation of policies and procedures to respond and prevent sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking on college and university campuses.
- Bystander prevention programs for students.
- Collaboration and resources for colleges and universities to identify the best practices for reaching their student population.
- Development of protocol and materials for direct service referrals for confidential disclosure, reporting options and follow-up advocacy services.
Prevention Education for Special Populations
Prevention Education is available for individuals with developmental disabilities using a modified version of the circles curriculum. The program consists of multiple sessions, which cover and reinforce topics around healthy boundaries, safe and appropriate touch, reporting, and relationship. Education can also be provided to staff and caretakers to acquaint them to the circles program and discuss topics related to sexual assault and the developmentally disabled.
Contact us for more information. See helpful resources for regional programs and resources.