Together We Can Strengthen our Communities
and Build Healthier Lives
Organizational Transformation
AHI Organizational Transformation programs and projects are necessary to help partner organizations continually improve through effective fundamental change to an organization’s structure and culture.
Community Support Services
Our Community Support Services programs support community members as we work toward the goal of improving population health, transforming health care delivery, and eliminating health disparities.
Enrollment Assistance Services and Education (EASE)
Our EASE program manages health insurance enrollment and community awareness services for the Federal Affordable Care Act implementation.
Health Home Care Management
AHI Health Home Care Management provides enhanced coordination of medical and behavioral health care by linking community and social supports with health care for high-risk Medicaid members.
Community Assessment and Prevention
AHI supports the workforce activities of our partners by providing tools to help with training, recruitment, and retention efforts. One such resource is the HealthStream Learning Management System, an online learning management system that is a leading provider of workforce, patient experience, and provider solutions for the health care industry. HealthStream has partnered with top content partners to provide expert thought leadership and professional development courses for health care employees.