Applications for Workforce Recruitment/Retention and Training funding are now available. See the links below for request guidelines and fund applications.
Requests must be for training or recruitment/retention activities that occurred from April 1, 2015 to the date of your application completion (or where registration for training is due prior to May 15, 2016). Visit the AHI PPS Workforce web page for the following documents:
Recruitment and Training Fund:
- Guidelines
- Recruitment/Retention Fund Request Guidelines
- Training Fund Request Guidelines
- Applications
- Recruitment/Retention Fund Application
- Training Fund Application
Submissions: Completed applications must be submitted to by Friday, February 12, 2016.
Future opportunities: For more information on future application submissions, monitor the Training & Resources Workgroup Meeting Summaries and Recruitment & Retention Meeting Summaries posted on the lower section of the AHI PPS Workforce web page.
Questions: Please contact Kelly Owens with questions at