AHI PPS Earns Consecutive 100% Achievement Value Score

For the second consecutive quarter, the NY State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has awarded the AHI PPS a 100% Achievement Value (AV) Score. This score applies to the quarter ending December 31, 2015. The AHI PPS is a partnership of nearly 100 organizations formed to...

HIT Funding Awarded to Four AHI PPS Partners

Four AHI PPS Partners were awarded over $170,000 in funding to improve and develop Health Information Technology (HIT) infrastructure. The New York State funding was awarded to non-profit behavioral health and developmental disability providers to purchase technology...

AHI CEO Cathy Homkey Appointed to NYS Rural Health Council

Adirondack Health Institute (AHI) Chief Executive Officer Cathy Homkey has been appointed by New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to the Charles D. Cook Office of Rural Health’s (ORH) New York State Rural Health Council. The ORH, a New York State Department of...

August 2014 Edition of AHInsider Newsletter Published

AHI has published the latest edition of our newsletter, AHInsider — August 2014.  This issue spotlights a number of exciting programs and initiatives, including a grant award we received from the NYS DOH to increase the level of health care service integration...

Post-Star Publishes Article on AHI DSRIP Grant Award

The Post-Star picked up the new story we released earlier today on obtaining the DSRIP project design grant mentioned in our most recent blog post.  To read the article, please follow this link:...

AHI, Partners Awarded $891,000 Grant For DSRIP Project

Adirondack Health Institute (AHI) and its Performing Provider System (PPS) partners have received $891,000 in grant funding from the New York State Department of Health for the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program’s Project Design Grant.  Funding...

Project Design Grant Awards Pending

DOH anticipates making DSRIP Project Design Grant Awards on August 6th.   In the interim, AHI leaders and members have been in dialogue with legal experts on DSRIP governance options, and RFPs for consultant services are in development.  No formal commitments can be...
The AHI Informer

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