The law establishes a hospital Value-Based Purchasing program in Traditional Medicare. This program offers financial incentives to hospitals to improve the quality of care. Hospital performance is required to be publicly reported, beginning with measures relating to...
Today, Medicare pays Medicare Advantage insurance companies over $1,000 more per person on average than is spent per person in Traditional Medicare. This results in increased premiums for all Medicare beneficiaries who are not currently enrolled in a Medicare...
To ensure premium dollars are spent primarily on health care, the Affordable Care Act generally requires that at lest 85% of all premium dollars collected by insurance companies for larger employer plans are spent on health care services and health care quality...
The Community First Choice Option allows states to offer home and community based services to disabled individuals through Medicaid rather than institutional care in nursing homes. Effective beginning October 1, 2011. ...
The Independent Advisory Board will begin operations to develop and submit proposals to Congress and the President aimed at extending the life of the Medicare Trust Fund. The Board is expected to focus on ways to reduce costs, improve health outcomes for patients,...
Effective January 1, 2011, the Community Care Transitions Program will help high risk Medicare beneficiaries who are hospitalized, avoid unnecessary readmissions by coordinating care and connecting patients to services in their...
The law establishes a new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation that will begin testing new ways of delivering care to patients. These methods are expected to improve the quality of care, and reduce the rate of growth in health care costs for Medicare,...
The Affordable Care Act provides certain free preventive services such as annual wellness visits and personalized prevention plans for seniors on Medicare. This became effective on January 1, 2011.
Effective January 1, 2011, seniors who reach the coverage gap will receive a 50% discount when buying Medicare part D covered brand-name prescription drugs. Over the next ten years, seniors will receive additional savings on brand-name and generic drugs until the...
Courtney Smith, Access Coordinator for Children’s Health Insurance Connection was chosen as one of the Post Star’s 20 Under 40. To read more about it, click here.