Day of Recovery/Weekend of Reflection and Connection is the first of its kind for the Adirondacks, designed for male survivors of sexual abuse. This healing weekend (April 24 – 26) offers support for any male, 18 or older, who has been sexually victimized as a child or adult. The Day of Recovery/Weekend of Reflection and Connection is facilitated by trained therapists and educators, many of whom are male survivors themselves.
To allow for maximum flexibility, Friday and Sunday will be days of reflection. Friday will allow for some networking/socializing, while Sunday is designed to be quieter and reflective with time to enjoy the beautiful Adirondack setting.
Saturday, 4/25, is the Day of Recovery facilitated by trained professionals from MaleSurvivor. Participants can expect to learn new skills to help with their recovery, have an opportunity to tell their story in a safe and supportive environment and have a chance to take steps toward removing recovery roadblocks.
Due to special funding, the full weekend, including lodging and meals, is $25 for Medicaid/income-qualified residents of the following New York counties: Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Warren, and Washington.
Registration for other participants ranges from $195 – $295 for NYS residents. Information for individuals who live out of state available on request. Please use the Registration Form Day of Recovery Weekend of Reflection to register.
Registration will remain open until April 10, 2015, pending availability of space.
The Day of Recovery/Weekend of Reflection and Connection is co-sponsored by the Adirondack Health Institute’s STARS (Sexual Trauma and Recovery Services) program and Essex County SAS (Sexual Assault Services), the weekend is made possible through a grant funded by the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, the administering office for the SASP (Sexual Assault Services Program) Formula Grant Program.
For more information see Information for Day of Recovery Weekend of Reflection.
Additional events will be held Thursday, April 23 and Friday, April 24:
Date | Event | Location | Time | Cost | Registration |
Thursday, April 23 | “Boys & Men Healing from Child Sexual Abuse” film sponsored by STARS, a program of AHI. Featuring Howard Fradkin, Ph.D. | North Country Community College Ticonderoga Campus | 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm | No charge | Open to the public |
Friday, April 24 | Breaking the Silence training for professionals who work with survivors of male sexual abuse. | Silver Bay YMCA, Silver Bay | 9 am – 4:30 pm | No charge. Lunch not included | Online Registration |