The DSRIP Project Design Grant Application that was submitted in June of this year included a list of anticipated “Capital Needs.” Potential PPS Partners submitted a dollar amount and a brief description of the need for the capital in relation to a specific project. The purpose of including capital information in the design grant application was to give NYS DOH a rough indication of the need for capital directly to support DSRIP projects. AHI gathered the information from partners and submitted it in the application. These initial “capital need projections” were not evaluated by AHI or by NYS DOH.
Going forward, NYS DOH is establishing a Capital Restructuring Financing Program — a competitive RFA is expected to be released soon. The RFA will be open to DSRIP participants and other eligible entities that are not participating in DSRIP. Additional details can be found here: AHI expects that the submission of a capital need projection in the design grant application from a given partner, or lack thereof, will not in any way be tied to the RFA process. There will be a strong preference for capital projects that are closely tied to the DSRIP goals.
AHI is encouraging our PPS Partners, and any organization in need of capital to fund restructuring initiatives, to look closely at the RFA when it is released.