DSRIP Project Specific Webinar Archive and Timeline

On Monday, March 2, a series of DSRIP project specific webinars were held. Submission dates, webinar support documents and archive links are below.

Submission date timeline for all projects (except 2.a.i)

Date Project
March 6 Work Plan templates to be released on AHI news blog for Medical Village, Transitions of Care, and Chronic Condition projects
March 9 Implementation template due to AHI for project 2.d.i (Patient Engagement)
March 13 Budget templates and Implementation templates are due to AHI
March 16 AHI submits Implementation Draft to KPMG (DSRIP Support Team for review)
April 1 AHI submits final Implementation to DOH
April 22 Work Plan Drafts are due to AHI


Template Submission Instructions

  • Email implementation templates to [email protected] using subject line “Speed & Scale”
  • Reminder: email budget templates to [email protected] using the subject line “Project Budget”

Links to supporting documents and archived webinars. Note: the presentation can be viewed in both slide/PDF format or follow the link to YouTube to listen to the webinar (narration and Q&A – if applicable).

Project Webinar/Resources links
Medical Village
Integrated Delivery System
Transitions of Care
Chronic Condition
Primary Care/Behavioral Health
Crisis Withdrawal
Patient Engagement
The AHI Informer

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