AHI is hosting an interactive, five-day train-the-trainer program focusing on crisis prevention and behavioral safety. This certification course covers all of NAPPI’s (Non-Abusive Psychological and Physical Intervention) Standard Training modules and the skills to teach those modules to fellow staff members.
Upon successful completion of the course, you will be qualified to teach up to 16 hours of content to your staff. In addition to NAPPI Standard Instructor Certification, participants will receive a Trainer Kit that includes an Instructor Manual and everything necessary for teaching the first class.
A block of rooms has been set aside at the Great Escape Lodge at the rate of $100 per night. You may apply for workforce funds for reimbursement.
Register for the program.
*Please Note: Due to limited space for this training, there will be a cap of two (2) attendees per organization with a maximum capacity of 25 attendees.