The series will be held February 3, 4 and 5. Each WebEx session will provide an overview of the three phases of the start-to-finish process.
- Part 1. Before—Learn It: Helps applicants determine if they are eligible for the NCQA PCMH Recognition program. (2/3/16, 10-11 a.m.)
- Part 2. During—Earn It: Guides applicants through the application process, the transformation of the practice to a medical home and the survey submission steps. Applicants can also determine if they can apply as a multi-site. (2/4/16, 10-11 a.m.)
- Part 3. After—Keep It: Describes how practices can promote their recognition, upgrade to another recognition level and maintain their recognition status. (2/5/16, 3-3:45 p.m.)
The target audience for these trainings are clinicians and administrative staff from primary care and specialty practices contemplating becoming recognized under either NCQA’s PCMH or PCSP programs.
Log-In Information
Telephone number for all events: 1-866-505-4013
- Participant Code: 7023159766# (You must enter the # after the code).
WebEx Internet URL: http://ncqaevents.webex.com/meet/RecognitionEducation
- Enter your name and email address at the above link to join the Webex.