
We need a wide variety of partners and stakeholders interested in collaboration to work with us to develop tools and strategies.

Together, we can have an impact regionally and locally.

We’re looking to integrate and coordinate our activities with other regional health and human services planning agencies including:

  • Patients and patient advocacy organizations;
  • Health, behavioral health care and disability service providers;
  • Insurers and other payers;
  • Local public health officials, and other local officials;
  • The business community;
  • Local human services agencies;
  • Community-based organizations;
  • Schools and institutions of higher education;
  • Local housing authorities;
  • Local transportation authorities;
  • Rural health networks; and
  • Other interested parties, as appropriate

Find Out More

Look for additional information soon on how to partner together to build a healthier future.

The AHI Informer

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