RHIT Meeting Materials

As AHI was positioning itself to apply to New York State to become a lead Performing Providers System (PPS), we convened stakeholders in our nine-county service area to discuss the unmet needs of the communities and the barriers to accessing care. Referred to as RHIT (Regional Health Innovation Team), AHI relies on these stakeholder groups to engage community partners, and play an active role in DSIRP projects. RHIT meetings are open to any representative who is interested in learning about Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) projects and how the success of the work of the PPS and its partners will affect the health of our communities.

Northern, Fulton County and Southern regional RHIT meetings were held May 2016.

Meeting Materials

Northern RHIT, May 12, 2016



Fulton Country RHIT, May 13, 2016



Southern RHIT, May 19, 2016



The AHI Informer

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