The Prevention Agenda: Chronic Disease Objectives

As one of the Prevention Agenda’s priority areas, chronic disease has several objectives.

  • By the year 2013, reduce the prevalence of adult diabetes and hospital complications of diabetes in New York so that:

The percent of adults with diabetes is no more that 5.7%.

The rate of hospitalizations for short-term complications of diabetes are no more than:

2.3 per 10,000 (ages 6-17)

3.9 per 10,000 (ages 18+)

  • By the year 2013, reduce the age-adjusted coronary heart disease hospitalization rate in New Yorkers to no more than 48 per 10,000
  • By the year 2013, reduce the congestive heart failure hospitalizations rate among New York adults (ages 18+) to no more than 33 per 100,000
  • By the year 2013, reduce New York’s age-adjusted cerebrovascular disease (stroke) mortality rate to no more than 24 per 100,000
  • By the year 2013, reduce the age-adjusted cancer mortality rate to no more than:

21.3 per 100,000 females for breast cancer*

2.0 per 100,000 females for cervical cancer*

13.7 per 100,000 for colorectal cancer*

*Healthy People 2010 Objective

Please note additional cancer-related objectives have been included in the priority area section entitled “Access to Quality Care”.


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