Hotel Saranac

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  3. Hotel Saranac
Events at this venue

Navigating LGBTQ+ Health for the Health Care Provider

Hotel Saranac 100 Main Street, Saranac Lake, NY, United States

Join trainers Erica Bostick, MD, University of Rochester Medical Center, and Casey Belrose, Planned Parenthood of the North Country NY, Inc., for this dinner and learn provider training as they teach participants how to navigate health care challenges the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and plus communities encounter on a regular basis in a clinical […]

ADK Wellness Connections Community Strategy Session 2.0

Hotel Saranac 100 Main Street, Saranac Lake, NY, United States

One year ago, Adirondack Health Institute (AHI) hosted an initial round of Community Strategy Sessions to convene clinical and social service providers throughout the Adirondack region who were interested in better coordinating care for the individuals and families they serve. These meetings led to the development and launch of the ADK Wellness Connections coordinated referral […]

Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Training Series Wrap-up Session

Hotel Saranac 100 Main Street, Saranac Lake, NY, United States

Workshop objectives: Recognize health literacy communication strategies such as shared decision-making and empowering consumers including core principles from: Ask Me 3/ARHQ Share/Teach Back Define health literacy Define cultural competency Identify cultural competency concepts such as implicit bias and the CLAS Standards Target audience: Appropriate for all agency/staff levels including, but not limited to public health agencies, community-based […]

The AHI Informer

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