Retail Environment/Point-of-Sale
Tobacco Marketing Is Real
What’s the Big Deal?
The tobacco industry spends billions of dollars on marketing, including discounts, to make tobacco products more affordable. These discounts are deadly – bringing disease and death to the people who use tobacco, including more than 100,000 youth in New York State. Kids remember tobacco marketing more than adults. Click the video below to learn more.
Youth tobacco use in New York State is still a big problem!

Legislative Changes Impacting Tobacco Control Policies
Effective May 18, 2020:
- The sale of flavored vapor products is no longer permissible.
- Tobacco and vapor products can no longer be sold in pharmacies.
Effective July 1, 2020:
- Discounts and coupons are no longer acceptable by retailers.
- Increased oversight of vapor products across the distribution chain.
- E-cigarettes/vapor products may not be shipped to residential addresses.
- Tobacco products and tobacco product advertising may not be displayed in exterior windows or storefronts within 1,500 feet of a school.
Tobacco Marketing Facts and Figures
- Tobacco Retail Licensing
- Tobacco Marketing – Other Facts and Figures
- Tobacco Marketing Works Print Ad Version 1
- Tobacco Marketing Works Print Ad Version 2
How can you help?
Write a letter-to-the-editor or letter to a legislator to express your support for reducing the impact of tobacco. Visit our Take Action page for more information.
Visit and complete the Pledge Your Support section near the bottom of the page.